1. Compulsory Subjects :
i.) One of the following subjects :- a. English Core 100 Marks
b. Hindi “A” Core 100 Marks
c. Hindi “B” Core and MB (Matribhasha)
(Matribhasha :- Bengali / Odia / Alt. English / Mundari / Santali)
50+50 Marks
ii.) Any one of the following Elective Language :-
(Hindi / English / Bengali / Sanskrit / Odia / Santali / Mundari) 100 Marks
2. Optional Subjects :
i.) Any three of the followings :-
(History / Political Science / Economics / Philosophy / Geography / Mathematics) 300 Marks
3. Additional Subjects :
A candidate can also offer an additional subject from the optional subjects besides the practical subjects.
-- 100 Marks

1. Compulsory Subjects :
i. One of the following subjects : - a. English Core 100 Marks
b. Hindi “A” Core 100 Marks
c. Hindi “B” Core and MB (Matribhasha)
(Matribhasha : - Bengali / Odia / Alt. English / Mundari / Santali)
50+50 Marks
ii. Accountancy
-- 100 Marks
iii. Business Studies
-- 100 Marks
2. Optional Subjects :
i.) Any two of the followings : -
(Economics / Computer Science / Commercial Arithmetic / ETP.) 200 Marks
3. Additional Subjects :
A candidate can also offer an additional subject which may either be an elective language from Arts group or an optional subject having no Practical in case of Commerce.
-- 100 Marks

1. Compulsory Subjects :
i. One of the following subjects : - a. English Core 100 Marks
b. Hindi “A” Core 100 Marks
c. Hindi “B” Core and MB (Matribhasha)
(Matribhasha : - Bengali / Odia / Alt. English / Mundari / Santali)
50+50 Marks
ii. Physics -- 100 Marks
iii. Chemistry
-- 100 Marks
2. Optional Subjects :
i.) Any two of the followings : -
(Mathematics / Economics / Computer Science / Biology.) 200 Marks
3. Additional Subjects :
A candidate can also offer an additional subject which may either be an elective language from Arts group or an optional subject having no practical in case of Science.
-- 100 Marks